Dragon Boat Emotions

Dragon Boat for you

Thousands of people around the world practice Dragon Boating on a regular basis, training with their teams and participating every year in the hundred of annual events spread around the world.

Would you like to be part of this family?

Dragon Boat is a sport for both amateurs and federations, very inclusive and suitable for everyone.

From Dragon Boat Emotions we manage and create new teams continuosly, to fit your goals and locations.

Dragon Boat for  Corporates and Groups

The ultimate Team Building for your company

The business world shares many similarities with The Dragon Boating world, and in both cases, succes is achieved through values such as collaboration, commitment, communication and coordination

Dragon Boat for Schools

Dragon Boating is a new teaching tool for schools. Our boats are real floating classrooms, with up to 22 students each. On board, we combine outdoor sports with values directly related to culture, tradition, solidarity and nature; and all this in a healthy and inclusive environment.


The objective of the activity:

  1. Discover Banyoles Lake and its main natural features
  2. Foster the values of teamwork and respect for the environment
  3. Enjoy a day of sport and nature in a privileged environment
  4. Know the history and learn the technique of the Dragon Boat

Dragon Boat for cancer survivors

Scientific studies have shown that the practice of Dragon Boat helps to recover the musculature of the area affected by the mastectomy and also helps to prevent lymphedema problems of the arm of the affected band by minimizing post-treatment pain and activating the movement of the upper trunk.

In addition to the physical benefits of doing the sport itself, being part of a team of women who have lived through similar experiences brings important psychological benefits and develops social connections through this sport.

That is why the specific category BCS (Breast Cancer Survivors) was created within the Dragon Boat. Known as Pink Ladies, these woman have already formed hundred of Dragon Boat teams and participate in festivals around the world claiming their fight against this disease.

Dragon Boat for teams

Do you have a team?

Are you part of an amateur, corporate or sports Dragon Boat team?

Would you like to train in one of our locations?

Would you like to be trained by one of our trainers?

If the answer to any of these questions (or all!) is yes, contact us and we will inform you

Dragon Boat for events

Are you a company, a businnes group, an association or a social group?

Do you want to organize a high-impact event among your workers, suppliers or associates?

We will adapt to your needs, the resources of your organization, the physical condition of the participants, the number of people and the calendar or format of the event you want to organize. In addition, you can complement the event with the alternative offers offered by the chosen center or territory: Sports, cultural, leisure and professional activities

Why choose Dragon Boat?

The Dragon Boat is easy to learn, suitable for everyone and contains the following values ​​and attributes:










Underground La Bisbal
Underground La Bisbal
Gran activitat per fomentar la cohesió de grup! Bons monitors, s'expliquen molt bé. Recomano agafar l'extra del bany
Elizabeth Gascón
Elizabeth Gascón
This activity exceeded our expectations. We were a group of 38 people, and everything was very well planned. A big thank you to Doreen for her kindness and professionalism. The activity was both fun and challenging. The entire concept was well-thought-out, and the team had excellent communication among themselves, making it easy to coordinate the entire group. The team-building activities were super fun and perfectly set the stage for what came next: the boat race. Well done everyone!
Juan Antonio Fajardo
Juan Antonio Fajardo
Estuvimos como actividad de empresa y fue muy buena experiencia, lo repetiría.
Pere Llibre Tur
Pere Llibre Tur
Una experiencia increible en un entorn idilic! Ideal com activitat de team building.
Una experiència educativa increïble on l'alumnat adquireix competències com treball en equip, lideratge, cohesió... divertint-se. Els monitors molt professional i sempre sensació de bona organització i seguretat
Ursula Velazco
Ursula Velazco
Excellent and very fun team-building activity with very friendly and knowledgeable staff. Everything was very well organized. From PildoLabs, we thank Ramón and Doreen for making the experience so positive 😛
Santi Soley
Santi Soley
Great experience with the team and emotions people. Will come back
Guillem Berbis Serrat
Guillem Berbis Serrat
Molt divertit, a l'aire lliure, fent esport i amb bona gent. Es pot demanar més?
Vam fer les activitats de Team Building i el Dragon Boat. Ens ho vam passar genial al mateix temps que vam treballar en equip. Una experiència molt recomanable! Amb ganes de repetir